Thursday, August 12, 2010

After killing Ravana,Lord Rama is resting on a rock.He notices a shadow approaching him .He realises that the shadow is that of a woman.He doesn't lift His eyes to see who it is,for Rama never looks at any woman other than sita .As the shadow nears Him,Lord  Rama pulls his feet up,&sits with his legs folded.This is to avoid even the shadow of the unknown woman.So careful is He that none other than His wife should touch Him.
 The shadow is then seen to recede.Lord Rama wonders who it is,who had come so close to Him & had yet retreated.So He enquires who the person is.
The shadow is that of Mandodari, and she discloses who she is. Rama asks her why she is there. she says she heard that Ravana is killed in the battle.Ravan had been a king who had struck fear in the hearts of his enemies.everyone believed him to be invincible . and yet he had been killed by someone. she had come to the battlefield to look at the man who killed her husband.she wanted to know what quality he had that her husband didnot have.Lord Rama then asks her whether she found what that quality was. Mandodari said yes. Lord Rama is particular that even the shadow of a woman other than his wife should not touch him.Ravana, on the othrhand, was willing to sacrifice so many lives in his attempt at making another man's wife his.There in lies the difference.
That one quality of Rama led to his victory, says Mandodary.
Ravana's sin had been so heinous that he had been slain. there was right on the side of Lord Rama and he was exeption among man.there may be men ou wardly loyal  to their wives, but there thoughts may go astray.
Lord Rama was the one whose thoughts and words never went astray. 
                                                     source:-THE HINDU {RELIGION}
                                                    DATED:-27 JULY 2010

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